NAD+ with BDNF 100mg

$225.00 available on subscription

Experience the extraordinary benefits of NAD+ peptide, a cutting-edge compound designed to
elevate cellular health and boost energy production.

*Need to be reconstituted

Choose your plan
*All peptides are made to order



Experience the remarkable benefits of BDNF peptide, a cutting-edge compound designed to
enhance brain function and promote neuroplasticity. With BDNF, you can enjoy the following

  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: BDNF peptide supports the growth and development of
    new neurons and synapses in the brain, leading to improved cognitive function.
    Experience enhanced memory, focus, learning capacity, and overall mental acuity.
  • Promotes Neuroplasticity: BDNF plays a crucial role in neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability
    to reorganize and form new neural connections. By promoting neuroplasticity, BDNF
    peptide supports brain adaptation and flexibility, enabling efficient learning and skill
  • Improved Mood and Emotional Well-being: BDNF is involved in regulating mood and
    emotional balance. BDNF peptide may help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety,
    and other mood disorders by promoting the growth of new neurons and supporting
    neurotransmitter balance.
  • Neuroprotective Effects: BDNF acts as a neuroprotective agent, helping to protect
    against neuronal damage and degeneration. BDNF peptide may support the prevention
    of age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Supports Long-Term Memory: BDNF plays a crucial role in the formation and
    consolidation of long-term memories. BDNF peptide can help enhance memory
    formation and retrieval, allowing for improved retention of information.
  • Convenient and Safe: BDNF is a synthetic peptide that is easy to use and safe when
    used as directed. Simply administer the peptide according to the recommended dosage
    and protocol for optimal results.