LL37+EGCG+Quercetin 10mg


LL37+EGCG+Quercetin: A Dynamic Trio for Immune Support

*Need to be reconstituted

*All peptides are made to order



LL37+EGCG+Quercetin: A Dynamic Trio for Immune Support

Experience the synergy of LL37, EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate), and Quercetin in one
powerful combination designed to fortify your immune system like never before. This dynamic
trio works in harmony to provide a comprehensive shield against immune threats, supporting
your body’s natural defenses.

Key Features:

1. LL37 Immune Boost: LL37, a naturally occurring antimicrobial peptide, assists in regulating
the immune response and defending against a wide range of pathogens.
2. EGCG Antioxidant Power: EGCG, found in green tea, acts as a potent antioxidant, helping to
neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
3. Quercetin’s Enhancements: Quercetin enhances immune function, making it easier for your
body to ward off infections and maintain peak performance.
4. Synergistic Action: The combined power of these three components creates a formidable
defense against illness, providing robust support for your immune system.
5. Quality You Can Trust: Our LL37+EGCG+Quercetin supplement is carefully formulated to
ensure potency and purity, so you can confidently support your immune health.
Elevate your immune system with the dynamic trio of LL37, EGCG, and Quercetin. This unique
combination offers a holistic approach to immune support, helping you stay resilient and healthy
in the face of daily challenges.